words matter to me.

Whether it’s been in the classroom choosing the right books for my students, in the library with my kids, at my desk drafting a novel, or in my work coaching thought leaders in their efforts to teach others what they know, one thing always resonates:

Books have the power to change the world.

Roseanne Cheng, Award-Winning Author and Educator

Roseanne Cheng, Award-Winning Author and Educator

My beautiful daughter and aspiring author. #keepwriting #writersofthefuture

My beautiful daughter and aspiring author. #keepwriting #writersofthefuture

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This is how you do it: You sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it’s done. It’s that easy, and that hard.
— Neil Gaiman

In the past decade, my career has taken me from a classroom teacher into the world of publishing, ghostwriting, and book marketing. Time and again, I’m humbled by the courage it takes to put yourself out there as a creative.

Whether you’re a teacher looking for some inspiration for the classroom or an author hoping to find the right readers for your book, I’m happy you found me here.